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일반 팝업

category Code Lab 2016. 9. 29. 13:11

일반 팝업 타입 1

function popup(url, w, h, name, option) {
    var pozX, pozY;
    var sw = screen.availWidth;
    var sh = screen.availHeight;
    var scroll = 0;
    if (option == 'scroll') {
        scroll = 1;
    pozX = (sw - w) / 2;
    pozY = (sh - h) / 2;
    window.open(url, name, "location=0,status=0,scrollbars=" + scroll + ",resizable=1,width=" + w + ",height=" + h + 
    ",left=" + pozX + ",top=" + pozY);

See the Pen VvmJoM by jaeheekim (@jaehee) on CodePen.

일반 팝업 타입 2

function winPop(url, opts) {
   var popupName = opts.name || 'popup';
   var options = '';
   options += 'width=' + (opts.width ? opts.width : 200) + ', height=' + (opts.height ? opts.height : 200);
   options += opts.left && opts.width ? ', left=' + opts.left : ', left=' + ( (screen.availWidth - opts.width) / 2);
   options += opts.top && opts.height ? ', top=' + opts.top : ', top=' + ( (screen.availHeight - opts.height) / 2);
   options += opts.scrollbars ? ', scrollbars=' + opts.scrollbars : ', scrollbars=no';
   options += opts.resizable ? ', resizable=' + opts.resizable : ', resizable=no';
   window.open(url, popupName, options);

See the Pen WQoVem by jaeheekim (@jaehee) on CodePen.

Jaehee's WebClub